Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Mickey and Ayla in London

  My Time with Mickey

   It was my turn to take Mickey home for the weekend. I was pretty lucky because I got to take him over spring break. I got to take him to London!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First, when I got there we went to Big Ben. It was like 5,000 times Mickey’s size (Maybe even more.) Every hour and half hour it would ring. The tower itself is actually called the Elizebeth tower. We did not only see it from the ground, we could also see it from the London Eye.

Then, we took Mickey to a pub. I also went to Bath,England and the pub that we went to is the oldest pub in Bath. It was where Charles Dickens drank beer when he was not famous. In the picture Mickey looks like he is enjoying his beer. Those are some things we did at the pub.

We took Mickey to afternoon tea. It was Jurassic themed, there was so much food. There were 3 layers: food,cookies, and sweets. Instead of tea I had hot chocolatte.

That is what I did with Mickey in London.

Mickey Returns to Daphne's House

 I spent my weekend with Mickey Mouse! I had been looking forward to this since the beginning of third grade. The weekend went by fast, but I had a lot of fun hanging with Mickey. I hope Mickey had a hot diggity dog time too! Here are some things we did together.


On Friday right after dismissal, I took Mickey to the school playground with my friend. We all played 4-Square. Mickey and his big hands did really well. Then we took a ride downtown to pick up my sister, Olivia. Don’t worry, Mickey was safely buckled next to me. I think Mickey and Olivia are really good pals now.


On Saturday, Mickey joined the family by going to my grandparents’ house. We celebrated my mom and cousin’s birthdays. Mickey is a really good singer. He also tried to steal some cake, but I reminded him to stay clean for the next person. Sorry Mickey, you missed out on some delicious desserts. 


Finally on our last day together, we worked, relaxed, and played. Mickey read The Boy Who Cried Wolf with me for this month’s reading exploration. We even finished the cover. I hope Mr. Pask doesn’t mind that this is a group project now! A little while after a break, we went outside to play badminton. At the end of the day, Mickey told me, “Oh boy it was a fun weekend!” Toodles!

Daphne Giordano

Mickey at the Ciceros

 Here are a couple of things my family and I did with MIckey. First I took Mickey to my 7:00 am hockey game. I scored a hatrick. A hatrick is when a player scores three goals and people throw hats onto the ice. The game was tied up 5-5 then they scored two goals when I was on the bench. We sadly lost, but I got the game puck.

Then my family went to a Devils game and we had the best time. The Devils played against the Carolina Hurricanes. They are also a good team and so are the Devils. They were so fast, it felt like they could skate over twenty miles per hour. We had so much desert and we got video game socks that are not even close to fitting me. It has my favorite player on the socks, Jack Hughes. We also ran into a friend that was on my old hockey team.

Lastly, my Gaga came to visit. We always have the best time when she comes. I played my first game of Kerplunk. It was really easy in the beginning then it felt like it was impossible to have not that many marbles. Then I went to bed. She told me a funny story. I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Daphne and Mickey Together

 I spent my weekend with Mickey Mouse! I had been looking forward to this since the beginning of third grade. The weekend went by fast, but I had a lot of fun hanging with Mickey. I hope Mickey had a hot diggity dog time too! Here are some things we did together.


On Friday right after dismissal, I took Mickey to the school playground with my friend. We all played 4-Square. Mickey and his big hands did really well. Then we took a ride downtown to pick up my sister, Olivia. Don’t worry, Mickey was safely buckled next to me. I think Mickey and Olivia are really good pals now.


On Saturday, Mickey joined the family by going to my grandparents’ house. We celebrated my mom and cousin’s birthdays. Mickey is a really good singer. He also tried to steal some cake, but I reminded him to stay clean for the next person. Sorry Mickey, you missed out on some delicious desserts. 


Finally on our last day together, we worked, relaxed, and played. Mickey read The Boy Who Cried Wolf with me for this month’s reading exploration. We even finished the cover. I hope Mr. Pask doesn’t mind that this is a group project now! A little while after a break, we went outside to play badminton. At the end of the day, Mickey told me, “Oh boy it was a fun weekend!” Toodles!

Daphne Giordano

Mickey at Home with the Hazletts

 Friday February 23, 2024

Mickey is staying with Chloe and her family, the Hazletts. On Friday night, we can order whatever we want with Mickey. We ordered TACO BELL and Mickey had tacos and nachos. While we were eating tacos and nachos, Chloe’s tooth became super loose. She called her Papa who is a dentist and he told her how to pull it out herself. Chloe was so scared, but she pulled it out herself. She was so brave and when she woke up, she found a Claire’s gift card and a $10 bill under her pillow!!! 


Saturday February 24, 2024

We are so excited for Chloe’s basketball game today. Chloe’s dad is coach Jeff. Mickey came to watch. Mickey knew some of the players on the team. Team Duke played hard, scored a lot of baskets, and had FUN!!!!! We came home to celebrate with Mickey and made cookies.  We taught Mickey how to make slime.


Sunday February 25, 2024

 We so excited for Sunday Funday to celebrate Mickey! We are decorating for Mickey!!!! We are making spaghetti and meatballs. We are setting the dining room table in celebration. My brother and sister love having Mickey here!!! Mickey and my family watched basketball and cheered on team Purdue. Purdue won so we are celebrating with extra dessert!!!  

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Mickey at Owen's Home

 I was so excited that I got to bring Mickey home for the long weekend. We started off with going to my grandparent's house in Staten Island, NY. We drove there and went over the Goethals Bridge. Mickey seemed really happy to be going over the bridge and spent the whole time looking out the window. I wonder if he's ever been on a bridge before? When we got to my grandparent's house, Mickey and I rode on my grandpa's new exercise bike. My cousin and my uncle were also at my grandparent's house so Mickey got to meet them too. We had a lot of fun and took pictures with my grandparents.

On Sunday night, Mickey played Uno Attack with me, my sister Grace, my brother James, and my dad. Our game lasted for one hour and a half. Halfway into the game we switched from Uno Attack to regular Uno, but with the Uno Attack cards. We didn't even finish the game and had to count our cards because it was time for dinner. Mickey and I won the game because we had the least amount of cards. I think it was Mickey's first and longest Uno Attack game ever!

My last adventure with Mickey over the weekend was going bowling at Garwood Lanes with my family on Monday. We had to wait for an hour before bowling. Our friends came but they left because the wait was so long. My dad won and got 107 points. I bowled a lot of gutter balls but tied for 5th place with my older sister, Grace. We got 48 points each and my family got 386 points all together. Mickey loved the bowling alley, especially the nachos, cheese fries, and pink lemonade!

Mickey and I had a great weekend together going to Staten Island, playing Uno Attack, and going bowling. We hope you liked hearing about our weekend together!

Piper's Weekend with Mickey

 This weekend Mickey and I drove to Queens, NY to see my cousins. Do you like exploring a new house as much as I do? My cousins just moved into a big new house and this was our first time visiting. So of course the first thing we did was play hide-and-seek with Mickey. Then we played so many different games with Mickey like Fireball Island, Guess Who? and Cars Monopoly.


After lunch we all, including Mickey, wanted to explore the neighborhood of Forest Hills. First we walked to station square, which is a historical location in Queens, as Former President, Theodore Roosevelt, gave a famous speech there. After taking some pictures with Mickey, my sister, cousin and I wanted to go shopping. We visited a girly store similar to Claires, then my mom, my aunt and I all went to Sephora, where I bought a facial cleanser. It was a great Saturday with Mickey!

Sunday was even cooler because it was Super Bowl Sunday! My whole family, including Mickey, watched the Super Bowl together. By the way I asked Mickey which team he was rooting for and he said, “The Chiefs.” Then we all had some ice cream and we waited and waited for the halftime show. My parents were so excited because Usher was performing. He was so good even Mickey started dancing! All in all I had a great weekend with Mickey,  but the Super Bowl was my favorite part.

Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
Mickey up a tree!