Sunday, December 27, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Mickey's Fantabulous Weekend

When I first got in the car with Mickey, he hid in his bag when he saw my dog, Henry. Once we got to my house, we made popcorn for a snack, but Mickey wanted cheese. We went to a friend's for dinner, but Mickey didn't come. Instead, he and Pluto laid around the house and probably snooped in the refridgerator while we were gone. When we got home at 11:00 pm, we saw him right where we left him, but he looked stuffed! Then we all went to bed. I was so tired, I plopped down on my bed and fell right asleep.
The next day, Mickey watched me play electronic banking Monopoly. It took a long time, but Mickey watched the whole time! I ended up winning the game with $17 million. I think Mickey was my good luck charm. We had dinner together. Mickey was still stuffed from the night before, so he didn't eat anything. Dinner was on the late side, so after that we watched some TV before bed. Mickey was so surprised when he saw himself on the Disney Channel!
The next day, Mickey was SO happy it was snowing so I didn't have to go to Sunday School. Mickey wanted to go out and build a snowman, but he thought it was too cold outside, so he just watched from the window. After that I came in and I was so cold and we made cookies. We made so many plates, that we have too many cookies now and we don't know how we're going to eat them all. Mickey wanted to eat the whole plate of cookies so badly. When I went downstairs and came back up I caught Mickey just in time.
Mickey and I were both so glad that we got to spend the weekend together. Thanks Madison!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Mickey's Chanukah [and weekend] with me and my family
Mickey had a great weekend with me!!First,of course,we came home and had a snack. Since I had Kelly come over,we played with Mickey. I showed Mickey a dollhouse that he might want to sleep in.But he said no because there was no bed and the house was PINK.Well,after Kelly left, Mickey and me just laid around and watched TV with Jasper and Tia[my siblings]. We watched The Polor Express. Right at that moment,my dad burst though the door. "Dad!" I yelled. Mickey was a little bit scared at first. Then I told Mickey that the tall man was just my dad. Mickey breathed a sigh of relief.
After that, Mickey started to get hungry. He told me he wanted a cheeseburger. We went to Five Guys in Westfield. Mickey got a double cheeseburger and I got a burger with cheese, bacon, and mushrooms. Yum! The next thing we knew our tummies were about to explode. Then Mickey reminded me about something -- Hanukah! Mickey told my dad. "Oh my! We'll light the candles when we get home" my dad said calmly. We all squished into my dad's car, drove home, and lit the candles. We said the prayers.
The next day we went ice skating. Mickey was scared because he never skated before, but I held his hand (and the wall). He only fell two or three times, and he was much better than me. We stayed close to the wall most of the time and for the last five minutes Mickey started doing twirls on his skates. I was SO impressed! When the session was over, we came home and had a nice, warm hot chocolate. Mickey's face was covered in chocolate, but he licked his mouth before I could wipe it.
I hope Mickey had a great weekend and I hope Madison takes good care of him next weekend.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Mickey at Aidan's house
Mickey was glad to come to my house this weekend. The first thing Mickey and I did was go to the movie store to get a movie for my B - Day party. Mickey was very into a princess movie that my sister was looking at. I said, "let's not get that, we are just getting one for my party." When we got home, we were getting ready for my party and Mickey was happy to see his girlfriend Minnie Mouse (my sister Emme has a Minnie doll). Later my friends came over for the party . We watched a movie called Angels in the Out Field and ate cake . We finished the movie but Thomas held on to Mickey the whole time. Mickey was sad to see my friends leave.
The next morning we were in a rush to get to my 8 o' clock hockey game. When we got there we saw Madison with her brother Ricky and Thomas who are both on our team. All of the teams were afraid to play us with Mickey at the arena. So, the Westfield Blue Devils were split into 2 teams. Mickey slept the whole game and my team lost 3-2 without his cheers.
Later on that day my friend Christopher came over to play. It was good he came over because it was snowing outside. When we were playing outside Mickey got cold so we had to take a break and have hot chocolate until he was ready to go back outside. He was sad to see Christopher go home.
The next morning we watched some T.V. until I had to go to church. Mickey was tired from such a busy weekend and he feel into a deep sleep. When I got home he was fast asleep so I played a game of Chess with my brother Patrick. We watched the big Eagles victory on T.V. Mickey had a great weekend with me and I hope Sofia takes good care of him. By the way, Mickey likes my puppy Mabel and he told me the Eagles are going to beat the Giants next Sunday.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Mickey's Thanksgiving
I was so excited to go home with Tyler Wednesday afternoon for Thanksgiving break. Too bad Tyler's sister Grace was sick! Grace wanted soup for lunch so we went into town to get her Panera Bread's chicken noodle soup, her favorite. Then we went to Five Guys to get burgers for us. When we were in town we saw the Westfield Marching Band which was really cool.

Thursday was Thanksgiving and Tyler was very excited. First we went to the Westfield High School Football Game. Then we took a short ride to Tyler's Grandmother's house for Thanksgiving dinner to see all of his cousins and aunts and uncles some from Westfield and some from Connecticut. After a big turkey dinner we all played our own game of football. I enjoyed all of the food and especially the desserts!
Friday we went to Tyler's friend James' birthday party. James and Tyler play travel soccer together. Everyone meet at Roosevelt school for a game of football. After the game we all went back to James' house for snacks and cake. It was a lot of fun. Then Friday night Tyler got really sick! We didn't go out but we watched a lot of movies on T.V. and of course the Jets game. We also played many games of Chess, Life, and Battleship. I had a lot of fun spending time with Tyler and his family.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
After school on Friday I went with my friend Paige to a Hip-Hop class. It was bring your friend to Hip-Hop Day. When we got in I had butterflies in my stomach. I didn’t like to dance in public. Well Mickey loved to dance. He begged and begged the dance teacher if he could bust some moves. The teacher said “No mice aloud”! I had to dance anyway. After the Hip-Hop class, Paige’s Mom brought me home. When I took one step inside, my dad said we had to leave in 10 minutes to see a movie called Planet 51 and pick up my friend, Carley. I rushed upstairs and grabbed a jacket and rushed back downstairs and grabbed Mickey in his bag. I followed my dad outside into the car and off we went to the movie. In the car my stomach growled. That reminded me I didn’t eat dinner ! On the way to the theater, my dad brought us to The WindMill Restaurant.Carley and I got Chicken and French fries. Mickey stole some of our fries. Then, Carley and I ran next door to the Movie Theater. It was really crowded. I rushed inside with Carley behind me while my dad and brother tagged along. My dad bought us a medium sized popcorn and some water. As we spun around we saw a HUGE line. I asked my dad what was it for. He said it was probably for the movie New Moon.Carley and I ducked and scurried past everyone. My dad gave the ticket woman our tickets and we all ran to a dark room. As we entered I could feel Mickey shivering and shaking.
We found seats and just as we sat the movie started. At times we could feel the popcorn bag shake. I knew it was Mickey stealing the popcorn. After the movie we dropped Carley off and drove home. It was a busy first day for Mickey.
At home we put him in some bed clothes and he fell right asleep. On Saturday when we woke up, we both rushed downstairs to the computer. I found a website that had Mickey characters everywhere! We played it for a while.Then it was time for me to put on my soccer clothes; I threw on my uniform and put on my socks and cleats. I found some shades and clothes for Mickey and put them on him. I stuffed him carefully in the bag and we hopped in the car and my dad drove us to my soccer game. It was a really tough game, there was big puddles and a lot of pushing and shoving. While Mickey watched us play, he smelled a dog, he quickly covered himself in coats and slept the rest of the game! After the game when we got home, Mickey was so happy to be away from the dog. Five hours later the sky fell dark. I was eating a mini burger lunchable and watching Monsters Vs Aliens. Mickey kept his eyes glued to the T.V even if my mom asked if he wanted some cheese! It was 9:30 and Mickey and I were getting tired. We walked upstairs together, and dropped ourselves both in my bed and fell into a deep sleep. When we woke up on Sunday, I had to go to church. Mickey was actually glad. He said he knew all the songs and that he could memorize things. That’s when my mom said that no mice were aloud in the church. Mickey felt really sad. He plopped himself down on the couch and watched T.V with my brother. I went to church and came back, it seemed like 10 minutes. Mickey was glad to see me again. He asked if we could go online and play the game I found again. I said it would be ok. At 1:30 , my mom said to get dressed in my soccer clothes for the championship game. Mickey jumped up and brake danced. I guess he was really, really happy to see me play my final game.
On the ride there, Mickey played with my Itouch. He got so into it that he was stuck in the car for 5 minutes. He wasn’t really paying attention to outside.
When the game started, you could here Mickey screaming and cheering. The sad news was that we lost 1-0. My dad said that we could all meet him at I Can’t Believe It’s Yogurt. Mickey licked his lips as my dad said it. Everyone left the field and drove to I Can’t Believe It’s Yogurt.
I got Cherry Sorbet. Mickey wanted a lick, but I told him he couldn’t get dirty. After , I went to my friend Madison’s house. Mickey didn’t want to go because he wanted to see Madison’s house when he went home with her. At 5:45, Madison’s Mom drove me home.When I got home I hugged my mom goodbye. She said she was going out. I said ok and sat on the couch and watched T.V. At 7:10 I ate pasta and cheese. All Mickey ate was the cheese. Mickey loved being with me but now he’s ready to go with Tyler. He misses Mr.Pask mostly!
Monday, November 16, 2009
My Crazy Weekend With Mickey!

After the great game Grandpa took all of us out to Charlie Brown’s for dinner. Mickey and I were so hungry. I had chicken fingers and Mickey ate all my french fries. Mickey and I also had ice cream and some of Grandpa’s huge fudge brownie sundae. When dinner was over we all said goodbye and went home to get ready for bed.
I told Mickey I had a great time with him this weekend and he said he had fun too but hopes the next time is not as crazy. Me too Mickey!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Mickey and Nicky

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mouse on the Loose
Mickey and I had a blast this weekend! First Mickey and I helped out at the Pumpkin Fair Friday night. We scooped popcorn into bags and washed 75 pumpkins. Mickey got tired of washing pumpkins so we left 10 of them for my mom to finish.
Mickey’s looking forward to having more fun adventures with the class!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Mickey attends a Diwali Celebration

Monday, October 12, 2009
What a Weekend!

Mickey Mouse had a great weekend with me (Alex)! On Friday we went to my friend's hippie birthday party. Look how great he looks wearing my peace scarf. Mickey fell asleep at the beginning of the party. He was upset that he missed the tattoos. :(
Monday, October 5, 2009
Mickey at the park

Mickey up a tree!