Mickey Mouse had a great weekend with me (Alex)! On Friday we went to my friend's hippie birthday party. Look how great he looks wearing my peace scarf. Mickey fell asleep at the beginning of the party. He was upset that he missed the tattoos. :(
On Saturday my cousins, Morgan and Raegan, came from Ohio to visit. They have an exchange student from China named Angel staying with them. They wanted Angel to see the ocean, so we took a ride to the beach. Along the way we played the alphabet game, and Mickey found the most letters. Once we got there Mickey wanted to get his toes wet in the ocean, but I told him that wasn't such a good idea. When it was time to go home Mickey was sad. He sleep on the car ride home.
On Sunday we went to New York to see The Lion King. Morgan, Raegan, Angel, Mickey, Aunt Tami, Mom, Papou, Jack and I all went. Dad stayed home with Ella. First we walked to Times Square. Morgan remembered that she had always wanted to ride the ferris wheel in the big Toys R Us. When we got on, we went straight to the top. Mickey got a little scared when he looked down. So he covered his eyes with his ears.
Next we walked a really, really long time to Dylan's Candy Bar. Mickey was getting kind of bored on the walk, but when we got there, it was worth it. Candy galore! Mickey didn't know what to choose - Gobstoppers, M&M's or giant Dots. In the end, he picked the giant Dots because they came in his 4 favorite flavors - blue raspberry, lemon, cherry and orange.
After a quick lunch of pizza and salad, we all jumped in two different cabs to get to The Lion King. The cabs had to drop us off a few blocks away because there was a big Bolivian parade going on and they couldn't get through. We made it to the theater in the nick of time. We walked in, found our seats and the lights went off. People in animal costumes went right by our seats. Mickey loved the animals! He got scared when Scar came out though. I let Mickey hold my hand. He squeezed so tight that I had to ask him to let go for a minute. Tears were trickling down his face when Simba's dad died. He turned around and said that he couldn't look. At the end, Mickey was clapping the loudest. He really loved the show. All of the walking was worth it! Mickey fell asleep on the ride home from New York.
On Monday, my cousins, aunt and Angel left to go home to Ohio. Mickey was sad to see them go, but he knew it had to happen. The rest of the day was really quiet. Mickey didn't do much but rest up for the week ahead.