When Mickey came home from school on Friday I was so excited!!!! Mickey told me that he could'nt wait until we got home for some snacks. Then I told Mickey that when we got home we had. To leave right away because I had to go to a birthday party. Mickey asked me what type of party it was but I told him I did'nt know. On the way home we stoped at CVS to buy a birthday card. Then I forgot to tell Mickey that he would get to see his old pal Tyler and that Tyler's mom was going to take us to the party Mickey was so happy to know that he would get to see is old friend. When my mom came back to the car(my grandma was with us) we were on are way back home. When we got home Mickey and I ran all the way to my room. I Got dressed and Mickey and I walked over to Tyler's house. We got into the car and off we went. When we got there about 20 minutes later I saw a fake roller skating figure on the top of the building. When I tried to tell Mickey I just heard a big Snooooooooooooooooooor!!!!!!!!!! So by the time we got our skates Mickey was awake. I showed Mickey the roller skates and he was thrilled to see them Mickey told me that he was a pro skater!! I told Mickey that I did'nt belive him but when he went on the rink I could'nt belive my eye's. Mickey went so fast that by the time he went around the rink it must have been at least 10 seconds!! By the time I came back from going around the rink it was time for pizza and cake. After pizza and cake it was time to play some games at the arcade. I think Mickey made alot of new friend's because every one won a stuffed animal and their were about 13 people plus all the people at the party while we were playing games we saw Kelly,Ben,and Lilly. Soon it was time to go home so we got all of our thing's and we left. On our way home we got lost and ended up in Rahway then in Newark. About an hour later Mickey and I were at home. Then I told Mickey that we should go to bed so we brushed our teeth and my dad tucked us in to bed. The next morning we had church but by the time we had to leave Mickey was asleep. It was a very big supprise when I saw my friend Sarah. When we went to the chaple I sat next to Sarah then after chuch Sarah invited me to her house. Then I remindied her that we had soccer she said that it was fine. So then we stoped picked up my clothes in the basment and left. Soon it was time for soccer so then we got dropped off.Then Sarah's mom picked us up and it was time to say by to Sarah. When I got home my dad ordered Tiga he got 2 of chiken fingers and fries and some Nochos. Then it was time for bed agian.
I hope the rest of the class has a fun time with Mickey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Mickeys weekend with ryan
Mickey and i were walking home and mickey complanded.He said he was cold.I stoped at the deli and got some gum and mickey started to get warm.
when i got home mickey went dog back riding on my dog.
After that i went on my computer and played a game called Maple Story.
I played while mickey started to relaxe for a while.
when it was time for bed mickey was to tired to walk so he sleepon the table.
The next day was Saturday and i went to Vikies dinerand mickey at a whole croosant.
After that i had my drum lessons and Mickey was a rockstar.For the rest of the
day we relaxed.
The next day was my brothers bday party and mickey didn't want to do much.
The next day it was my brothers real bday.
I had to go out side and i jumped on a pogo stick 159 times.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Micky & Madison Weekend
After we stared playing some games, when we saw some soccer players come in, they started to do some wierd moves that the coach asked them to do. Mickey started showing off
by doing cartwheels and rolls.
Next we had a running race and soon we went home.
The next day we had another hockey game and when we went home, I changed the water and food in the hermit crabitat. I let Dash out of the cage, and when I came back with clean water, Dash was on top of Mickey's nose! Quickly I took Dash off of his nose and I put the water and Dash back in the cage. Mickey told me Dash tickled his nose, and he was afraid Dash was going to pinch him with his big claw. I took Mickey downstairs and started to make dinner.
Mickey was a great help, stirring the cheese mix for the manicotti ( I was afraid he wanted to jump in the bowl and eat it all up!) and he loved stuffing the noodles too!
He wasn't a big fan of the garlic bread, but like a gentlemouse, he tried it anyway and left it on his plate (not a big salad fan either!).
After dinner, Mommy closed the dishwasher door and heard a scream - Mickey was stuck inside. Turns out he was licking the cheese off of the dinner plates! Silly mouse!
I enjoyed having Mickey as a house guest this weekend, and I told him that he can sleep over again at any time.
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Mickey at the park

Mickey up a tree!