On Saturday morning, we went to the airport to take a flight to Grand Cayman. Mickey and I even got a look in the cockpit, where we met the pilots Tom and Vincent. I watched The Sound of Music on the plane, but the plane ride was four hours and I didn't start right away so the plane ride ended before the movie did.
When I got to Grand Cayman, I went straight to the condo to discover that it was such a beautiful place. The condo we were at we had never stayed at before. When I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes. There were TVs in every room and the drawers were a reddish-brown mahogany color and had beautiful handles. That first night, I swam in huge waves that knocked me
down! Mickey was worried about me, but I told him I was fine and that I was having a lot of fun already. Some of the fun things we did included going on a banana boat ride, snorkeling, collecting shells (that was one of my favorite things to do), and drinking banana daiquiris (I even let Mickey have one, too). We spent a lot of time playing with my grandma, uncles, aunts, and cousins.

We also made a lot of sand castles, including one that had three giant holes and two bridges. Mickey said our sand castles looked a little like the Magic Kingdom, but I think he was just trying to be nice. I've been to the Magic Kingdom and it looks nothing like our sand castles.
We all gave ourselves new names. My new name was Cranberry with a "y." I don't know why I got that name. I don't want people to call me that in school. My brother's new name was Appleq with a silent "q." My friend Patti's new name was Charli with an "i."
We played tennis at night.

One night, Patti even spotted a white frog on the court and it jumped onto the gate. We scared it off the court so we wouldn't step on it or hit it with the ball. On my final day, we found another frog and you'll never guess where it was. Give up? It was in the toilet. We fished it out and set it free outside.
On the plane ride home, we were so excited to be coming back to New Jersey even though we had a great time in Grand Cayman and I hope Mickey likes being back in the USA. The day after we got back, I went to my cousin's birthday party. Mickey didn't want to come. He was too tired and excited from the trip to Grand Cayman that he just wanted to stay home.
I hope Mickey likes going to Maddy's house next!