When I got home with Mickey we sat on the couch to watch T.V. After that we went outside to play on the swings. They were a little shakey but Mickey didn't mind. Then Mickrty joined the family for a ipod Dkeyarty. Mickey was the DJ, ofcourse. After an hour Mickey announced that he would be playing Micheal Jackson for the next twenty minutes. That made my brother jump. Thats just because he's Micheal Jackson's number 1 fan (not). After that Mickey played with Brownie (my sister favorite raindeer webkinz).
On Saturday, everyone in my family woke up early enough to go to the Easter egg hunt. We didn't come early but we got some eggs. Then we went to get our passports. I asked Mickey if he wanted to get his passport,but he said no. Then we went to the Westfield Diner. Mickey wanted the cheese burger. But instead he wanted to share his cheese burger with me so I get a meal. Then I ordered jello with whip cream. When I went to ask the waiter for a refill, Mickey grabbed the whip cream on a spoon and took it all. After the Diner I went to a clothing store. Mickey asked the front desk if they had his size. Belive it or not they did. When Mickey was done in the dressing room we finally went to the tennis court. We started to go to the tennis court since every weekend. Then when we got home Mom went to Samantha's house and Dad made a chinese meal.
On Sunday, one o'clock we went to Samanta's house for Sunday Easter brunch. My friends Mandy, and Mia were there. At four o'clock we had a Easter egg hunt. Finally we left at eight. We also had to pick up Mandy for her to stay over at my house for the night.
On Monday, Mandy, Mickey, and I played on Poptropica.com Mickey won the game so fast it was only one hour.Then Mickey wanted to play on the connect-all-around-the-world walkie-talkies on the rainy Monday afternoon and we ended up talking to someone who wasn't from New Jersey. After dinner, Mandy then got picked up by her Mom and went home.
Then on Tuesday, it was still raining out so we played on the computer, watched TV and played video games with my brother, sister and Mickey. We also played hide-and-seek with Mickey. Then Uncle Jim arrived from Los Angeles so we all went to my grandparents house for a family dinner.
On Wednesday, my brother and sister had play dates at our house so I decided to play hide and seek with their friends and Mickey. My hiding spot was so good that they were about to give up until my brother gave me up. Then I went to Amanda's house to play our usual game, where we make up characters and stories. We then packed to get ready for our trip to Philadelphia, and got Mickey excited for the trip. Later, we had a dinner party at the house with Uncle Jim, Uncle Michael and my Great-Grandma.
Thursday we arrived in Philadelphia after a long car ride. We took pictures of Mickey around the city, and outside the Philly Art Museum. Then we went back to the hotel, went in the pool for awhile and then ordered roomm serivce for dinner. We were all tired, Mickey included.
On Friday, we woke up, had breakfast with Mickey in the lounge then again went swimming. We then got ready for our walking tour of the city. Mickey went with us to Independence Hall, to see the Liberty Bell, and even on a carriage ride with a horse named Chip. We then went back to the hotel and had dinner, before getting ready for out walking ghost tour of the city at nightfall. Mickey got a little scared but was nice and calm afterward. We took pictures and video along the way.
Saturday was our last day in the city. Again, we started our morning at the hotel pool after breakfast, then we set out to do some shopping and mroe sightseeing. We then went to Franklin Square Park where we played on the playground and then my Mom, sister and brother (and Mickey too) went on the carousel ride. We then had lunch outdoors in the park before walking back to the hotel and getting ready to go home. Everyone (except Mom who was driving) feel asleep on the car ride home. We then had a BBQ dinner at our house with the whole family. Aunt Laurie Jane brought 2 little dogs that we all played with. Mickey had fun being around the whole family.
Finally, Easter came on Sunday. We had bunny-shaped pancakes before going to church with Mickey. Then we went to my grandparents Country Club (Echo Lake) for brunch but I couldn't bring Mickey in because there was a sign out front that said "no mice allowed" :) We then came home for an Easter Egg Hunt in the back yard. I won the big Easter basket filled with lots of candy and fun things to do! I also got a new bike and helmet to ride around. We then went to the Billing's house for an Easter dinner with Mickey. It was a fun night and the last one we had on Spring Break!
I hope Matt S has a fun time with Mickey, just as I did. Thanks!! - Kelly Bailey