Yes! I got Mickey! It was the best weekend with Mickey.The first thing we did was, we sat on the couch and watched Mickey Mouse Club House. I think Mickey liked it because it was about him. Mickey moved a lot, and I mean A LOT!

After watching the Mickey Mouse Club House I gave him some cheese. Then he almost tried to play Star Wars with me, but I said "No!" and instead I took a picture of him with a Light Saber.
Next I got Mickey to eat my peas.
I don't think I like peas, but Mickey does.
The last thing I did with Mickey on Wednesday is I got in my P.J.'s, and Mickey put on a P.J. top, and we got into a sleeping bag and watched a movie.
On Saturday I took Mickey to my dance class.

He tried to fit into our cubby-holes, where we put our bags. I don't think he liked it, so I took him out.
Then we went into the dance studio, and we danced together.
I also danced by myself and Mickey danced by himself too (I don't think he's that good).

Mickey sat down and took selfies of himself while he watched me dance in my dance class.
Next thing we did on Saturday is, I took Mickey too my piano class. He played the piano, and he was very good.

Then my teacher taught him how to play a song (he's a natural). Then he tried to sneak on the piano to play more songs.
At the end of the day Mickey helped me with my homework (but between you and me I didn't get any thing he said).
But he did help me with the homework I didn't get, which was mostly every thing, he was a good friend. Mickey also went into my play house, he really liked it, and I mean A LOT.
On Monday Mickey and I went rollerblading, and I did most of the work. Mickey is the best thing that happened to me and I hope every one has the best time with Mickey as I did.