Friday, December 29, 2017

Jane's Christmas with Mickey

Mickey and I were the first downstairs to open my presents. He saw that I got lots of headbands and bracelets. After my family opened all our presents, we ate french toast and orange juice. Then Mickey met my dog Perry, but I made sure to hold him so that Perry couldn't eat him!  12/25/17

Then Mickey waited on the mantel for a few minutes while I was getting dressed to go to my Grammy's house and Grandma and Grandpa's house. He liked my dress. Mickey stayed home because I didn't want him to get lost in all the other presents I got. When I got home it was 11:00pm, so I had to get ready for bed.  12/25/17

Mickey and I played with all the headbands and bracelets I got. Mickey had scruncheys and braclets and headbands on. Then my sister wanted to do a stained glass butterfly thing, so Mickey and I helped her. 12/27/17

My cousin Julianne came over to watch us while my mom went to work. Mickey said hi Julianne and then we all watched a movie called "The Robinsons". Mickey sat on the radiator next to my sister, and Julianne and I sat on the couch. My brother was playing on the X-box. The movie was really good. It was funny and cool because the characters could time-travel. Mickey liked it too. 12/28/17

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Kevin's Weekend with Mickey!

                                                  Friday December 15th

Mickey came home with me after school. I was so excited! Friday was the only day that I could chill out because on Saturday and Sunday I had 7:00AM hockey games! So we just watched TV and played video games. After a long day I put him in bed under all of the covers. We kept Mickey far away from Riley!  Riley is my dog.

  Saturday December 16th

It was 6:00AM. I was sound asleep and my dad walked in and woke Mickey and me up for my hockey game. I got some extra clothing on and bundled Mickey up as well. We went in the car and drove for a while. We were so close to being there but my dad had to get his "medicine" (hahaha, his coffee:). When we got there Mickey helped me get dressed. When we were ready we waited around because we couldn't go on the ice yet. Finally we went could go on the ice. I am very lucky because two of my best friends on are the same team as me!(Conor and Liam) It was the second shift and my best friend Liam scored the first goal of the entire game! Two shifts later, my other best friend Conor passed me the puck and I shot it! It didn't go in the air but it was so fast that it went right through his legs! I SCORED!!!!!! I got so excited I ran right into the boards! Two goals later my other best friend Conor got the rebound off of Charlie my hockey teammate and Conor scored!! We kept winning and winning Liam scored 2 more goals! The final score was 11-2. WE WON!!! Mickey watched the entire game with my dad. Mickey loved it. He kept watching the video of it over and over again!

                                     Sunday December 17th
 I had another hockey game in the morning but Mickey was just to tired to get out of bed again. So he just slept in. When I got home from hockey I went straight to Mickey! I checked to see if he was awake. But Mickey was not there! I checked the entire house and I finally found him. He was hiding with all of the gingerbread cookies in the cabinet. It was almost full at first but he ate a quarter of the ginger bread cookies! After I caught him eating cookies we went to look for the Elf on the Shelf. We searched and searched and we finally found the elf. He was hiding with all of our pictures with Santa!

This was my weekend with Mickey!


Monday, December 11, 2017

Mickey's weekend with Donald

     My weekend with Mickey was great! Friday, Mickey came to see my basketball game. We lost, but that's okay because my whole team had fun. Then we came home and Mickey, mom, and I started to make our gingerbread house. It was really fun!

  Saturday we went to my brother Matt's basketball game at the Westfield High School. They crushed! I think Mickey is good luck. After the game, we finished our gingerbread house. Mickey even got to decorate and it looks so good.

     Sunday was the last day which was so sad. Mickey and I went to my other brother Pete's basketball game. Mickey met one of my best friends, Kieran. I really think Mickey liked the game. Later, we went bowling. I won the first game, but I had bumpers. The second game Mickey joined the fun and bowled, too. At the end of the weekend we decorated our Christmas tree. Mickey hung the first ornament. It was sad when Mickey had to leave, but we had a great time together!


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Mickey's weekend at Tara's house

When Mickey came home he wanted a room so I got him some blankets for his bed and some paper to lay his things on. Then, I went around collecting and creating things to make him comfortable.
Later, my friend came over and Mickey played with us. 

The first thing in the morning I had a basketball game and Mickey came along. While I was waiting for my turn to play I dribbled the ball in one hand and held Mickey in the other. Late that night we went to the new Indian restaurant in town and Mickey ate with us.

Today, Mickey started his day playing with my little sister, Mira. We did a lot of fun-filled activities all day. In the evening, we packed Mickey's bag and ate a snack. I ended my weekend with Mickey by reading him a bedtime story.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Mickey's Thanksgiving Weekend with Jack!

My name is Jack Schwarzenbek, and Mickey spent Thanksgiving weekend with me and my family this year. First, we had a big Thanksgiving dinner at my house.  Mickey loved the turkey, and especially the desserts.  After dinner, we read a special Thanksgiving story.  Mickey loved it.   
On the day after Thanksgiving, my family and I always go into New York City to see the Christmas Spectacular.  Mickey loved the show.  My favorite part of the show is the Toy Soldier scene.  Mickey loved that part too, but he also loved the Rockettes!  After the show Mickey walked around New York City with me.  

On Saturday, I ran in the Westfield Turkey Trot.  Mickey stood on the side lines and cheered me on. He loved seeing all my friends at the race and hanging out with me and my family at our tailgate.  He even played Jackpot with me and my friends after the race.

After the Turkey Trot, my family and I went to a Christmas Tree farm to cut down our Christmas tree. First, my sister and I played Hide and Go Seek in the trees.  Then, my family and I picked out the perfect tree.  Mickey loved the tree we chose and watched me help my dad cut it down.  Next, we all went to Clinton.  Mickey met Santa Claus and joined my family at our favorite place for dinner.

On Sunday, I had my last soccer game of the season and then we decorated our Christmas tree. Mickey loved our tree, and is excited to start the holiday season.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Weekend with Laila  11/3/17

On Friday after school, I came home with Mickey and we ate Doritos. He said he really didn't like it. He said it was too crunchy. After me and Mickey sat on the couch and watched tv. He said that he really liked Mickey Mouse club house, so we put it on. I had to go to dance, so I left him at home to watch and take a nap. After dance I came home and we ate dinner. Then we drew pictures of each other before bed.

On Saturday morning we went to Starbucks. Then we went to my dad's dance class. Mickey likes to dance, but we just watched. After that we came home to hang out and later we went to dinner. Mickey had some of my mac and cheese and some of my lemonade. Then we went to Toys R Us. Mickey had to stay in the car we didn't want him to get lost. When we got back home I showed him all the cool stuff I got.

Sunday we didn't do much, but Mickey got to meet Shelly. Shelly is running for Mayor of Westfield. Mickey and I both like Shelly. Best of all, we got free ice cream that was delicious!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Mickey's weekend with Chris!

Mickey had a great weekend with me and my family.

He slept Friday night because he was tired. No pictures of that.

On Saturday he ran around with me and my family from my sister's swim meet to my other sister's hockey game. No picture's of that. But later, we all played Monopoly together at home. He liked that. He had some tea to relax after the busy day.

On Sunday, he came to see my play Hockey.  It happened to be a good game, things worked out well for my team.  He said that my hat trick was cool.

Later, we went to the library. Mickey like watching me read. He said that it was better than watching hockey.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

A wonderful weekend with Samuel

Friday the 13th
First, me and Mickey went to drum lessons and he loved it. Then we went to the DEVILS game and Mickey loved it but they lost. But thankfully they scored 2 goals.

Saturday the 14th
First me and Mickey went to hockey and he liked it. He liked my shots. Then I taught Mickey how to play video games and he was great. Then we had lunch and then we went to the pumpkin fair and we saw all my friends and Mr.Lipson.

Sunday the 15th
First me and Mickey had hockey practice. After that Mickey had a rest.Then we had lunch and at dinner time we had crèpes.

Monday, October 2, 2017

harper`s mickey mouse blogg

                           First, Me and mickey went to my soccer practice we practice passing and resaving.  We did a lot of drills.  After we did scrimmage mickey was voted and it was a tie.  I scored a goal and the tie goal.  After Me and mickey went home.                                                                                                                                                                                        Also,  I  went to Long Island and mickey had a long car ride but we did it.  then mickey got to meet my cousins Sophie and Graham .                                                                                                                        LAST, but not least my soccer game mickey was a big part of are team, he was routing for my team .  And guess what , we won !!!!!!!!                                                                                                               

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Weekend with Sofia!

On Saturday I had dance rehearsal and Mickey watched me for five hours! He saw me doing cool dance moves. I am getting ready for my dance competition. Mickey got to see all five of my dances and he loved them. It was a long day for me, even Mickey was tired. Everyone loved meeting him!

Then on Sunday Mickey came to my brother Tyler's baseball game. We watched for hours everyone hitting the baseball and running on the field. We cheered for Tyler and his team. I helped my mom take pictures of the team. It was a beautiful day out I think Mickey had fun with me. I had to keep him away from the field since it was dirty.

After that we took Mickey out to dinner at my favorite restaurant Rooster Spin. He liked all the same the food as me. My family all took turns holding Mickey. Tyler really liked him and took good care of him while I was eating. It was a fun weekend having him with my family. I hope he had fun with us!
Mickey at my dance school

 Mickey watching Tyler!

                                              Mickey at the game!
                                      Mickey likes Rooster Spin!
                                      Mickey just finished dinner

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Weekend with Mickey

First, I brought him to a sleepover. It was at my friend Charlie's house. Also my friend Luke came to sleep over. When we got home we decided to watch some tv. We watched hockey. It was a Devils Islanders game. We went to Stop and Shop. Our dog Charlie liked Mickey too. Mickey and I did a little workout. He lifted weights and did some pull ups.

On Sunday Mickey and I got up at 6:45 and watched some tv. Mickey and I decided to play some lacrosse. We went to Target to get xbox games. We got Halo 5 and Destiny. 

2 hours later we went to the Rialto to see Boss Baby. It was really funny. Mickey enjoyed the movie  and popcorn.  That's the story of the best weekend ever!!

Charlie and Mickey

Loved working out

Mickey caught really well

Got my xbox games

Saw Boss Baby
Pull ups!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Mickey's Bloomberg Adventure!

Mickey and I had the best time at my house! To start off our weekend we went to basketball. When I was playing Mickey was on the sidelines with Ava, my sister. After the game I went to Ferraro's with Macy, Abby, and Micha. At Ferraro's for dessert I had lava cake and vanilla ice-cream. Micky wanted to stay in the car and not get messy. Then I went to Abby's house and played pie face. My face was a mess after that!  

The next day I went to Hebrew school. Then I went to the carnival there. Mickey and I played lots of games, but Mickey was scared to go onto the blow up castle slide so he had to wait with my Mom. I had a great time with Mickey at the carnival!!!

During the snow storm,  my neighbor Kylie came over to bake cookies! While we were waiting for the cookies to bake / cool down, we made a fort. Next we ate the cookies, then Mickey tried to eat all the rest!!! Lastly we went outside in the snow and had a blast! I hope Sofia has a great time with Mickey too!


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Mickey at the Bonn House

I was so excited to have Mickey come home with me on Friday from school!

First, Mickey stopped by our basement in our house where my Dad had set up for his monthly poker night.  He hosts 50 people the first Friday of every month!

Next, on Saturday morning, we took Mickey to Lifetime Fitness. We gave him a tour. We showed him the child care center, the pool, and the work out floor.  Mickey decided that he wanted to have a workout on the tread mill.  He worked out out for 5 minutes. He got tired after 5 minutes.

Then, we took him to the pool.  He didn't dare to go in.  We tried to encourage him, but he did not go in because he knew it was against the rules.   After a few minutes, he said, "I will never go in the pool," and went to go relax on a chair. 

We let him do that for 3 minutes, and then we showed him the child care center.  Mickey liked going down the slide. Weeeeeeeeeee!

Later that day, Mickey was hungry for dinner, so he came with us to Chili's! 

For dessert, we went to Kilwins with Mickey on Saturday night. We took pictures with Mickey.  Mickey liked the flavor 'Superman' the most. 

Mickey got all hyped up. Then we went home and Mickey fell asleep with Pluto and me.

That was a very exciting Saturday for Mickey and for me!  Sunday was more quiet, Ethan C.  came over for a playdate and he and I had a fun time playing with Mickey together.  Mickey was a judge in our Prodigy Math Battle!  Also, Mickey ate cheese for dinner and snack.

I will be very sorry to see Mickey go, but I am sure he will have wonderful weekend adventures with Alexa Bloomberg and Sofia Altobelli!

Madeline Bonn😎😆😀🐭

Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
Mickey up a tree!