I got to bring Mickey home for the holiday weekend. I watch the parade with mickey and one of my mom's friends is a Rockette and we saw her on TV. Later that day Mickey got to meet my grandparents for thanksgiving dinner.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Mickey's Weekend with Charlotte
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Henry's Weekend with Mickey
This weekend Mickey
came to my birthday party with all of my friends and we had a fun time. We went
to skyzone but we didn't take Mickey with us. Then we came back to my house and
Mickey and my friends ate donuts. We had donuts because I don't really like cake.
Then we went in the basement at my house to play dodgeball. Mickey didn't play
because he was too scared.
The next day, we made
brownies. It was a little messy but we still had fun. I put in some coco
powder, olive oil, and water and we mixed it all together. We made them for a
party but we couldn't bring them to the party because my dog was sick and my
mom had to leave to go to the vet. The brownies were soft and crispy on the
outside and they were very good.
Later that day I had a soccer game. Mickey came to watch me play soccer. It was very cold outside but it was still fun. During the game I hurt my leg so on the second half I sat out. But before that I scored a goal. At the end we sadly lost 3 to 4. Alot of people were upset but it was fine.
Monday, November 14, 2022
Mickey Hanging with Finley
On Wednesday I brought Mickey home with me for the long weekend. Our first stop was the YMCA. I was playing Uno with Mickey. Mickey must be pretty lucky because he won 6 times in a row. How many times have you won in a row? When I got back home I played in the leaves. Mickey didn't want to play in the leaves he wanted to watch me play in the leaves and swing on my swing. I was a little worried about Mickey coming to my house because I have a cat named Paisley. I hid Mickey from Paisley all weekend.
On Friday we were eating Mac and cheese. I was surprised that Mickey didn't want Mac and cheese. All he wanted was a banana. Oh Mickey what am I going to do with you. I didn’t know mice liked bananas. After lunch I was reading a book called Wings Of Fire. When I was reading Mickey decided to take a nap. He was very cute.
On the weekend I practiced piano with Mickey and my dad. Mickey isn't the best at practicing piano, he goes bam! Boo! Bam! We also went to the market. When my dad was buying
fish Mickey and I watched the lobsters. The lobsters scared Mickey. He was ok though since they where behind glass.Then Mickey and I played chess with my little bother Lincoln and my dad. My dad won.
I am very sad Mickey is going to leave tomorrow. For our last night, I made a special treat for Mickey and we stayed up late reading. Bye Bye Mickey!
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Mickey's Weekend with Mia
To begin with, I got out of school on Friday and caring Mickey with me.
My grandma picked me up and I said,
”It’s my turn for Mickey to come to my house for the weekend”! Grandma drove me to her house for a sleep over. “Why are we here”? I asked.
“Because it is your mom’s birthday weekend and all of her friends are going to be at your house. There is no space for you to sleep”. We went inside and watched a move. When it got dark Mickey and I went outside and looked through a telescope and saw the moon!
After that, Mickey and I snuggled in bed and went to sleep.
The next morning, Mickey and I woke up, “What’s for breakfast”? I asked.
“Macaroni and cheese” Grandma answered. They had nothing else for breakfast so I just rolled with it. I tried to give Mickey some but he just ate the cheese part.
After breakfast, Mom and her friends picked me up for a manicure. I brought Mickey along but he didn’t want one so I left him in the car.
Then, I got back to Grandma’s house.
My brother, Mickey and me played for a little while. Here are some of the things we did.
We are lying on the bed relaxing with my brother Kyle.
Mickey and I are playing chess.
Mickey is trying on my roller blades. I think he needs a smaller size.
Finally, Grandma, Grandpa, Kyle my little brother, Mickey, and me all went to my Mom’s birthday party at Lions Roar Brewing company. Mickey and I had no interest in the beer but we did have interest in the candy.

We had a fun weekend.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
When Mickey Came Over to Aubrey's House
Mickey and I had a lot of fun together. First, when I was bringing Micky home we saw Lewis from last year. Next, my Nani’s dog Chloe came over. My dog Taco and Chloe had a doggie date. I think Mickey really liked the doggie date. It was a lot of fun.
After that, me and Mickey started to get hungry so we went into the kitchen to grab a snack. I said, “ Let’s have tuna.” Mickey said yes but he would rather have cheese. After our snack, Mickey sat down with my family to watch the movie “Hocus Pocus.” Friday was a fun day.
Mickey and I also spent time outside. We even found a special tree. We could not believe what in the world we were seeing. It looked like a heart, it looked like a tree, it was a heart tree! Having Mickey over was a lot of fun.
Mickey at the park

Mickey up a tree!