On Friday October 13th
my teacher was giving out Mickey mouse and I was that lucky student that day. I
was very excited as we were Writing he came up to my and said Athena it’s your lucky
day. As I exited the building I was flaming with joy. I slowly waited for my
dad he asked me ‘’Athena what’s that your holding? I told him its Mickey mouse Mr.
MP gave it to me who’s Mr. MP asked my dad. I told him its an abbreviation for
Mr. Pask. He created it We laughed with joy.

On Saturday first thing in the Morning, I had
to go to Soccer practice. I brought Mickey in the car, but it was heavily raining,
so he had to stay in. He waited for me watching every step he stayed at the
window. Once me and mickey got back to my house, I had a five second break and
then I had to get ready for swim. So, I got dressed said bye to Mickey and I
left. When I came back it was fun time, I took a quick shower and put on real
clothes to get ready for The Pumpkin Fair. After I went and I found Mickey I
put him in my coat and ran through the rain to get to my car. We drove through
the big, intense, powerful, rain once we found our parking spot to be extra
careful, I put him in a bag. My family and I had a close parking spot we went
through the main door to enter. Boom the wind blew the door wide open as I
stepped inside, I took Mickey out of the bag he waved to the staff who helped
my family check in with our tickets. I saw the raffle and I asked my mom if we
could put in some raffle tickets she said yes. As my dad waited in the line me,
my sister and my mom looked at the prizes Mickey helped me pick one that I
really liked to put tickets in on the way I bumped into Piper. Then asked my
mom if we could do the musical chairs last year, I won on my first try so I had
high hopes for this one I sat in chair number 2 and then the game began the
music started playing I want around and around She said “Stop, so I turned
around and sat in the nearest chair it was number 13. I did not win but I had
fun I crawled down the stairs and found my mom with Mickey in her right hand I
found my sister and dad right behind her we decided that me and my sister were
going to try and dunk Dr. Dunkin. I did not make it and so did my sister. So
not minding that I ran to show my sister my classroom I showed her my haunted
house and my book report. My sister decided to get a snack she got delicious,
steamy, hot, popcorn. I was going to get Cheetos, but I wasn’t that hungry, so
I wanted to get them later. My dad decided to get a big, salty, pretzel. I
Asked my mom if we could play some games she said yes. So, I ran to the game
section and played a mini golf game my mom told me I could not do but I did it.
I also found this game that had candy but because of my spacer I couldn’t have
any of the candy I got sadly. Then it was the moment I was hoping wouldn’t
happen we had to leave. Once I got home, we had to go to a restaurant for dinner
my parents picked Charlie browns, I don’t like Charlie browns the restaurant
and the Character. So, we went I hated every second of it, I left Mickey at
home. It was a good move it was so salty I think he’s glad we left him at home.
Then I had to go to bed.
On Sunday, I woke up very excitedly
and I got dressed to go to Soccer it was my second game of the Season we won 5
to 2. Then I took a little rest and got dressed in real clothes. I put on a
cute, pink, fluffy, dress because we were going to the Eras Tour movie sadly no
squishes, stuffed animals or plushies allowed so Mickey wasn’t invited. I screamed
my heart out dancing the whole way from Lover to Midnights. I got sour patch
kids as a snack and a slushie with some popcorn. As I got home, I said hi to
Mickey, and ate my dinner I smiled very happily then I did some homework and
went to bed. I hope you enjoyed my story goodbye.