This is Mickey with Ferraris. Mickey loves Ferraris he hugs Ferriaris he smiles at both of the Ferraris. He always drives the Ferraris and I like to watch him drive the Ferraris and he opens the engine and opens the trunk and opens the doors. I think he needs the left Ferrari because he does not need a race car he needs a street car and the right one does not have a trunk but the left one has a trunk. So he said I want the left one say sure have it and he said yes!
This is Mickey with my brother. My brother loves Mickey so much that he can’t get his hand off Mickey. He always hugs Mickey when he goes to bed he says good night to Mickey when we go to a place he says can I bring Mickey when I take Mickey away from my brother screams saying give it back sometimes I hide it then he founds it.
This is Mickey drinking Turkish coffee with me. Mickey loves Turkish coffee. I think his seat is comfortable. He said, " I like this coffee thank you, said Mickey. I said, “You are welcome”. then we took a picture. Mickey said good pictures then Mickey said can I have another coffee I said sure. The whole day we had fun then Mickey said this was a fun day thank you. I said you are welcome. This was how the day was fun.