On Saturday, mickey and I woke up late around 10 in the morning. I helped mickey brush his teeth and we had Egg sandwich for the breakfast. At 12 noon, my dad took mickey and myself to my tennis class and mickey had wonderful time seeing kids playing tennis. Mickey went around introducing himself to the kids and all the kids knew him before and were thrilled to meet him. In the evening, all our family went out to a mall for holiday shopping and I took mickey with me and bought him a santa claus toy. On our way back home, we stopped in Mcdonald's to buy some sandwiches and chicken nuggets which mickey enjoyed too!

Sunday started-off on a dull note for us since it was dark outside and raining. We pretty much stayed home for the whole day. While I was busy doing my homework mickey was busy playing with my brother Sid! In the evening, when my dad and I played Tennis and Bowling in Wii, Mickey was cheering for me to beat my dad in the game. As expected, I beat my dad in Tennis and he beat me in Bowling. I thanked mickey for supporting me and my mom served us some healthy vegetable juice after the game. Soon it was bedtime for us and we were getting ready to face another long week of school. I enjoyed every bit of my time with Mickey and I'm hoping for another weekend with him, soon! I LOVE YOU, MICKEY!

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