Wednesday, May 25, 2011

(2)After we knockout, I had to go to my baseball practice. First we had batting practice. Mickey wasn't going to try hitting because the bat was too heavy. After that we practiced fielding. Mickey didn't field any balls because he would have gotten too dirty. So during the practice, Mickey sat on the bag and cheered on Nick and me. When one of us on the team would hit the ball really far, Mickey would scream "great hit!".

(1)This afternoon Mickey and I were playing knockout together with some of my friends in my backyard. Mikey couldn't play because the ball was too big so he couldn't hold it. We sat Mickey on my sister's play house near the game so he could watch us. Mickey fell off the house! But we quickly ran over and picked him up off the ground and he was OK. He cheered for me during all the games. When I lost he got upset. When I won, he got all excited!

(3)It was a busy day today and Mickey's and my legs were worn out! We ate dinner and we finally got to relax! We read a little bit together and fell right asleep.

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Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
Mickey up a tree!