Mickey joined me for an action packed weekend!! Knowing that we have a lot of activities on Saturday and Sunday, we took it easy on Friday night. On Saturday morning, we started the day with breakfast and then headed to Tamaques park for my brother's flag football game. Then we headed to my grandma's house for a quick snack. After that we went back to Tamaques park for my flag football game. Mickey was my BEST fan!! Then we went home for lunch and a quick rest before we headed to my aunts house for Cousin Day! I was so excited to introduce Mickey to all of my cousins. After a very long tiring day, Mickey and I put on our PJ’s and headed to bed. We were exhausted!!! On Sunday morning, we woke up bright and early. We had doughnuts for breakfast. Mickey got glazed. He ate all of it!! Then we went to Target to get posters for the Maryland basketball game Later in the day, we drove to Prudential Center to watch the Maryland vs Villanova basketball game. Mickey was cheering hard for Maryland!! Maryland WON by 1!! Mickey was so excited!!! I hope that Mickey had THE BEST weekend ever!! Mickey, rest up because next weekend you're going to have a BIG and fun adventure! Just like you did with me!!
Monday, December 16, 2024
Mickey Mouse In EMMA’s House
This weekend I had Mickey for 4 and a half days. Wednesday afternoon, I brought Mickey home and he helped me with my homework. After that I made him a bed then gave him a piggyback ride. And then he fell off.
Thursday morning, me and Mickey watched the parade and saw his best friend minnie! He said “Hi”. Then I went to friendsgiving and Mickey and Molly and Madison(My elf and reindeer)took over the house! The house was very messy when we got back.
Friday morning, me and mickey packed for penn state. He went with my mom in the front. When we got there, Cali went crazy and I gave Mickey to my mom while Cali was jumping on me.
Saturday evening, Mickey stayed at the house and watched the football game while I was at the real game. Penn State beat Maryland, 44-7.
Sunday morning, I said hi too cali then had a donut for breakfast then my friends sang “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to me. After I packed my bag then went home. This time he was in the trunk very squished. He said to me “HELP!!” When we got home I celebrated my birthday then had a movie night then went to bed. If you did not have mickey, I hope you do soon!
Mickey with Dylan
First, Friday night Mickey and I watched a movie called Transformers. We played Gang Beasts and of course I won 8-0. Our controllers light up so it's even cooler and you can change the color. My brother and my sister played with me another round and they won vs Mickey and I. We all stayed up until 10:40 pm that night.
Next, On Saturday morning we took piano lessons and went shopping for Christmas decorations. We decorated the Christmas tree with Mickey and we made some gingerbread houses. We also painted canvas drawings which were super cool. Mickey helped me by watching.
Finally, On Sunday Mickey and I went to visit grandma. We all went out to eat at a Costa Rican restaurant. We ate rice and chicken. In the afternoon, we came back to my house and had a lot of fun. We made hot chocolate and played the video game Gang Beasts again, and Mickey and I won! Our evening was fun and soon after we went to sleep. It was fun for Mickey and me. It was the best weekend ever. The End.
When we frist got home we played with my friend Katie and mickey was good at mini war. Then it was time for bed so I waited until we read a book called “Called Starfish's Story. “ Then we got in the bathtub with my sister and got nice and clean. Then mickey played cars with my brother and had a lot of fun after the bath
Then me
and mickey played the Guitar for a little bit and we had a lot of fun.
Then we went to a movie with my friend Etta and it was a lot of fun. But there were like 100 ads and when the movie started mickey fell asleep and missed the whole movie! And after me and etta gave each other early christmas gifts and we left.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Talia's Weekend with Mickey
On Friday Mr. Pask allowed me to take Mickey Mouse home for the weekend, before I even took Mickey home, I took him outside for extra recess. He played with me, Ella and Sienna. We played a made up game called, “Catch the ball through the hoop”. He made it difficult to catch the ball because he wasn’t in his carrier very tight on my back and he was bouncing all around, and I was scared he would fall out, but he didn’t.
On Saturday, I was going to take him to my ice skating lessons, but he didn’t have any winter gear, so I thought he might be cold. Luckily, Mickey was at home having a playdate with my everyday stuffies. They had tea in a place they called, “Disney Forest”. I’m glad he had fun waiting for me to come back. During my lessons, I took a picture at the ice rink imagining that I was holding him, knowing he was warmer than I was.
After ice skating, Mickey and I, along with my sister and Dad, all went to SHOWROOM
Carwash. It was such a beautiful day, we thought we could take a picture with Mickey and let him get a little sun on his face too. Too bad he didn’t have any sunglasses, but he didn’t mind.
Sunday was relaxing. Mickey and I spent the day watching movies like KING KONG. Overall, Mickey and I had a blast this weekend, I can't wait for him to spend the weekend again and have more adventures together. What did you do with him?
Monday, November 11, 2024
Brandon and Mickey
On friday we had a sleepover with me,Mickey,and my friend Zack.We stayed up until 11:00 PM and we ate bags full of candy.We had a warheads try not to make face challenge and Mickey won of course.We watched sonic the hedgehog and we were enjoying it until my mom came and stole all the candy and said we had to go to bed and ruined all the fun but we hid a bag of double bubble behind are back which was good.We went to bed bed talked a lot for like 45 minutes then we finally went to bed.
On Sunday, I had a soccer game and Mickey was watching me the entire game.It was raining but I still scored a goal.The score at the end of the game was 10-3, we won.The positions i played were left defender, striker, and goalie.It was fun.
Also on Sunday, I had a football game that we brought Mickey to.It was still raining.The positions I played were Cornerback, Tackle, and Middle Linebacker.It was fun.It was a blowout, we won 45-0.
Amy and Mickey's DC Adventure
This weekend I took Mickey Mouse to Washington D.C. It was a long drive, so we stopped at Baltimore because it was on the way. We were going to get lunch and go to the aquarium there. First, we went to Philip’s. I got a cheeseburger, my sister got mac and cheese, and my mom and my au pair Sofia shared a lot of crab things. After we finished eating, we went to an aquarium called the National Aquarium.The first thing we saw was a beautiful waterfall. When we got inside, we went to the dolphins.They were flipping their tails and jumping out of the water. Mickey liked it. Then, we saw the jellyfish. Mickey liked the upside down jellyfish. After that we saw the sharks. Last, we went to the gift shop.
After the aquarium, we got back in the car and drove to Washington D.C. Then we opened the door to the house, ate dinner, and went to bed.
The next morning, we went to see the White House. There were a lot of fences. After we saw the White House, we went to Founding Farmers. I got waffles, my sister got pancakes, and my mom got eggs.
The next day I went to the zoo with Mickey Mouse. First, I saw a tiger. It was sleeping. Then we saw the orangutan. After that, we saw the elephants. One of the elephants was outside. The other ones were inside. One even had spotted ears! That one was also huge. We ate lunch after that. We finished off with the farm animals and souvenirs. I got a stuffed cheetah and a red panda snow globe. That was some of my weekend with Mickey Mouse.
Sterling's 5 Star Weekend with Mickey
First, after school I went to Gong Cha with mom and Mickey. I got a Lychee slush with coconut jelly and I let Micky have a sip. He said it tasted yummy.Then me and Mickey went to my music lesson and sang the song Best Day of My Life. We went to bed and in the morning we went to karate. I worked on the second set of the seven basics while Mickey watched me practice.
After karate Mickey requested that we go to Garwood Lanes and do some bowling but someone was using it for a birthday party. Instead we went to Yestercades. First we played Pong and then while I was playing Pokemon Unite I saw Dr. Duncan. He was there to pick up one of his kids. It was a nice surprise seeing him.
On Sunday me mom and Mickey went to the airport to pick up my Auntie Coco after she finished helping Kamala Harris with her campaign. She was a press lead on her advance team. That means she organized the press and other things for some of the Vice President's biggest rallies including the one in Texas when 30,000 people and Beyoncé were there. Also Auntie Coco let Mickey try on her Secret Service pin. That was special because if you have that pin it allows you to be closer to the Vice President.
That was my weekend with Mickey, what a great weekend!Mickey with Ben
It was Friday, October 19 and Mr. Pask said, “Ben it's your turn with Mickey Mouse!”. I was super happy! RING! As soon as I heard the bell I ran to show our new family member to my mom and dad. I have had the chance to see the bigger version of Mickey in Disneyland Paris, but never in my house! I was excited to introduce Mickey to my family. I just had to made sure my crazy dogs didn't eat him.
I made sure he was comfy so we got him a dog bed. To make sure Mickey did not feel alone he slept on my bed in the dog bed. On our first day together we ate breakfast and sat on the couch and watched I Love Lucy. It was the chocolate factory episode which made us really crave chocolate. Then we chilled in my room until we had to leave for swim. Unfortunately Mickey could not come. To make up for that we decided to take Mickey for a sweet treat.
Since Mickey and I had chocolate on our minds from the I Love Lucy episode, we decided to go one of my favorite stores, Apricot, to get a very special chocolate bar. It is called the pistachio chocolate and it is a homemade chocolate bar with pistachios inside. I first did a taste test with my mom and then we brought it home to share with Mickey. While Mickey was excited, my mom told me that chocolate is only for humans so I enjoyed it on my own while Mickey watched. It was a very special weekend and I’m so happy to I was able to share it with Mickey. I hope he enjoys his travels for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year.
Sienna and Mickey's Celebration
On Friday we had Shabbat with Mickey. We had Shabbat dinner at our friend's house. I had so much fun. I lit the Shabbat candles. It was really hot near the candles. I was the oldest kid at the table.The food was very delicious. We had challah and it was very delicious too. I saw 2 family friends.The first is a boy named Ethan. He is 3 years old. My other friend is a girl named Ellie. She is 5 years old. We played some soccer with Mickey.I played some basketball with Mickey.

Mickey at Casey's!
Mickey came home with me for the long weekend! We had so much fun together!
First, we celebrated the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. We had our whole family over for dinner to celebrate. Mickey helped us cook. We made brisket, chicken, Jello, matzah ball soup, and lots of other things. When we weren't looking, Mickey ate the entire cheese tray! We squeezed 27 people in the same room for dinner. To wrap it up, we had huge ice cream sundaes.
That same night, Mickey and I watched the Mets win 4-2. You won't believe the noise my great-uncle Joel made when Pete Alonso hit a home run and won it for the Mets! Just so you know, I'm a Mets fan. My grandpa did a 360 in the air when the Mets won. He has been a Mets fan for as long as the Mets have been a team!
On Saturday, we went to our summer camp for Family Fun Day. We brought Mickey with us, and we painted pumpkins, went canoeing, did an obstacle course, and did archery. Mickey did everything with us except lanyard - he's not the best at lanyard ;)
On Saturday night, my best friend Jack and I had a sleepover. First, we went out to dinner at Darby Road with Mickey. Then, we came home and watched a movie and ate candy with Mickey in the basement. Finally, when it was time to go to bed, I put Mickey on my headboard to go to sleep.
Here is Mickey in my room with my brother Zack and sister Zoe
On Sunday, I brought Mickey into my sister Zoe’s room so that he could visit with his girlfriend Minnie.
Overally, Mickey and I had a great time together over the long weekend!
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Mickey and Ayla in London
My Time with Mickey
It was my turn to take Mickey home for the weekend. I was pretty lucky because I got to take him over spring break. I got to take him to London!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First, when I got there we went to Big Ben. It was like 5,000 times Mickey’s size (Maybe even more.) Every hour and half hour it would ring. The tower itself is actually called the Elizebeth tower. We did not only see it from the ground, we could also see it from the London Eye.
Then, we took Mickey to a pub. I also went to Bath,England and the pub that we went to is the oldest pub in Bath. It was where Charles Dickens drank beer when he was not famous. In the picture Mickey looks like he is enjoying his beer. Those are some things we did at the pub.
We took Mickey to afternoon tea. It was Jurassic themed, there was so much food. There were 3 layers: food,cookies, and sweets. Instead of tea I had hot chocolatte.
That is what I did with Mickey in London.
Mickey Returns to Daphne's House
I spent my weekend with Mickey Mouse! I had been looking forward to this since the beginning of third grade. The weekend went by fast, but I had a lot of fun hanging with Mickey. I hope Mickey had a hot diggity dog time too! Here are some things we did together.
On Friday right after dismissal, I took Mickey to the school playground with my friend. We all played 4-Square. Mickey and his big hands did really well. Then we took a ride downtown to pick up my sister, Olivia. Don’t worry, Mickey was safely buckled next to me. I think Mickey and Olivia are really good pals now.
On Saturday, Mickey joined the family by going to my grandparents’ house. We celebrated my mom and cousin’s birthdays. Mickey is a really good singer. He also tried to steal some cake, but I reminded him to stay clean for the next person. Sorry Mickey, you missed out on some delicious desserts.
Finally on our last day together, we worked, relaxed, and played. Mickey read The Boy Who Cried Wolf with me for this month’s reading exploration. We even finished the cover. I hope Mr. Pask doesn’t mind that this is a group project now! A little while after a break, we went outside to play badminton. At the end of the day, Mickey told me, “Oh boy it was a fun weekend!” Toodles!
Daphne Giordano
Mickey at the Ciceros
Here are a couple of things my family and I did with MIckey. First I took Mickey to my 7:00 am hockey game. I scored a hatrick. A hatrick is when a player scores three goals and people throw hats onto the ice. The game was tied up 5-5 then they scored two goals when I was on the bench. We sadly lost, but I got the game puck.
Then my family went to a Devils game and we had the best time. The Devils played against the Carolina Hurricanes. They are also a good team and so are the Devils. They were so fast, it felt like they could skate over twenty miles per hour. We had so much desert and we got video game socks that are not even close to fitting me. It has my favorite player on the socks, Jack Hughes. We also ran into a friend that was on my old hockey team.
Lastly, my Gaga came to visit. We always have the best time when she comes. I played my first game of Kerplunk. It was really easy in the beginning then it felt like it was impossible to have not that many marbles. Then I went to bed. She told me a funny story. I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.
Monday, March 18, 2024
Daphne and Mickey Together
I spent my weekend with Mickey Mouse! I had been looking forward to this since the beginning of third grade. The weekend went by fast, but I had a lot of fun hanging with Mickey. I hope Mickey had a hot diggity dog time too! Here are some things we did together.
On Friday right after dismissal, I took Mickey to the school playground with my friend. We all played 4-Square. Mickey and his big hands did really well. Then we took a ride downtown to pick up my sister, Olivia. Don’t worry, Mickey was safely buckled next to me. I think Mickey and Olivia are really good pals now.
On Saturday, Mickey joined the family by going to my grandparents’ house. We celebrated my mom and cousin’s birthdays. Mickey is a really good singer. He also tried to steal some cake, but I reminded him to stay clean for the next person. Sorry Mickey, you missed out on some delicious desserts.
Finally on our last day together, we worked, relaxed, and played. Mickey read The Boy Who Cried Wolf with me for this month’s reading exploration. We even finished the cover. I hope Mr. Pask doesn’t mind that this is a group project now! A little while after a break, we went outside to play badminton. At the end of the day, Mickey told me, “Oh boy it was a fun weekend!” Toodles!
Daphne Giordano
Mickey at the park

Mickey up a tree!