Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Mickey's Bloomberg Adventure!

Mickey and I had the best time at my house! To start off our weekend we went to basketball. When I was playing Mickey was on the sidelines with Ava, my sister. After the game I went to Ferraro's with Macy, Abby, and Micha. At Ferraro's for dessert I had lava cake and vanilla ice-cream. Micky wanted to stay in the car and not get messy. Then I went to Abby's house and played pie face. My face was a mess after that!  

The next day I went to Hebrew school. Then I went to the carnival there. Mickey and I played lots of games, but Mickey was scared to go onto the blow up castle slide so he had to wait with my Mom. I had a great time with Mickey at the carnival!!!

During the snow storm,  my neighbor Kylie came over to bake cookies! While we were waiting for the cookies to bake / cool down, we made a fort. Next we ate the cookies, then Mickey tried to eat all the rest!!! Lastly we went outside in the snow and had a blast! I hope Sofia has a great time with Mickey too!


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Mickey at the Bonn House

I was so excited to have Mickey come home with me on Friday from school!

First, Mickey stopped by our basement in our house where my Dad had set up for his monthly poker night.  He hosts 50 people the first Friday of every month!

Next, on Saturday morning, we took Mickey to Lifetime Fitness. We gave him a tour. We showed him the child care center, the pool, and the work out floor.  Mickey decided that he wanted to have a workout on the tread mill.  He worked out out for 5 minutes. He got tired after 5 minutes.

Then, we took him to the pool.  He didn't dare to go in.  We tried to encourage him, but he did not go in because he knew it was against the rules.   After a few minutes, he said, "I will never go in the pool," and went to go relax on a chair. 

We let him do that for 3 minutes, and then we showed him the child care center.  Mickey liked going down the slide. Weeeeeeeeeee!

Later that day, Mickey was hungry for dinner, so he came with us to Chili's! 

For dessert, we went to Kilwins with Mickey on Saturday night. We took pictures with Mickey.  Mickey liked the flavor 'Superman' the most. 

Mickey got all hyped up. Then we went home and Mickey fell asleep with Pluto and me.

That was a very exciting Saturday for Mickey and for me!  Sunday was more quiet, Ethan C.  came over for a playdate and he and I had a fun time playing with Mickey together.  Mickey was a judge in our Prodigy Math Battle!  Also, Mickey ate cheese for dinner and snack.

I will be very sorry to see Mickey go, but I am sure he will have wonderful weekend adventures with Alexa Bloomberg and Sofia Altobelli!

Madeline BonnπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜†πŸ˜€πŸ­

Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
Mickey up a tree!