Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Mickey's Bloomberg Adventure!

Mickey and I had the best time at my house! To start off our weekend we went to basketball. When I was playing Mickey was on the sidelines with Ava, my sister. After the game I went to Ferraro's with Macy, Abby, and Micha. At Ferraro's for dessert I had lava cake and vanilla ice-cream. Micky wanted to stay in the car and not get messy. Then I went to Abby's house and played pie face. My face was a mess after that!  

The next day I went to Hebrew school. Then I went to the carnival there. Mickey and I played lots of games, but Mickey was scared to go onto the blow up castle slide so he had to wait with my Mom. I had a great time with Mickey at the carnival!!!

During the snow storm,  my neighbor Kylie came over to bake cookies! While we were waiting for the cookies to bake / cool down, we made a fort. Next we ate the cookies, then Mickey tried to eat all the rest!!! Lastly we went outside in the snow and had a blast! I hope Sofia has a great time with Mickey too!


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Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
Mickey up a tree!