Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mickey's Fantastic Weekend

On Friday, once Mickey and I got home, we ate a snack. Mickey was looking around and found Bippidy eating a carrot. Mickey was scared that Bippidy would bite him but I explained to him that Bippidy doesn't bite. I gave Mickey some cheese and Bippidy and Mickey were eating together. I went to get some cookies, and when I came back I saw Mickey playing horsie with Bippidy.

I brought Mickey to the basement to look around and he found my Great Grandma's fifty year old Mickey Mouse doll from California. They started to make believe that they were in a band and got dressed up. They played and played until 10:36!

On Saturday I had my basketball game. Mickey was thrilled to see Lily again. Mickey tried to play but the ball was too big. Mickey watched the team win and we got trophies. Lily gave out munchkins and they were tasty.

On Saturday I had my birthday party and Mickey was invited. First we made T-shirts. Then we went to the movies but Mickey was too scared to go so he stayed home. He ate lots of Cheese Puffs. When we came back from the movies we watched some TV and ate more and more. We all played around and then we went to sleep.

On Sunday I had a softball clinic but Mickey was too tired to go. Mickey was happy when I came home. We had dinner and went to bed.

Mickey had a fantastic time this weekend and I hope he has fun at Matt's house.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Maddy,

    Looks like you had a great weekend with Mickey. I look forward to playing against you in softball. I'm glad you got your trophy for basketball. I had a good time reading your blog. It reminded me of some of the fun things I shared with you this weekend.




Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
Mickey up a tree!