Monday, March 18, 2013

Mickey's adventures at Sam's house

Mickey's adventures at Sam's house was very exciting. The first adventure was that Mickey got to play cards with my sibling, Ryan. We played a game of President. Mickey and I lost one round and then me and Mickey dominated the next time we played. After cards my mom said I needed to practice my drums, so Mickey said "I want to practice too!" We went into my music room that has drums, a piano, a ukulele, and 6 guitars. Mickey said "Ooooh fun!" when we played the drums. 

Then, Mickey and I wanted a snack before dinner. We had delicious sushi. It was carrots, avocado, and cucumber. Me and Mickey kind of liked it but didn't love it. My mom said "I need help with dinner" so Mickey and I made garlic bread. This is how you make it: you get butter and you get garlic and you put it in a bowl. Then you mix it up and then you get a piece of bread, put it on a piece of tinfoil, and put the butter on the bread. Then we put it in the oven. 

After dinner we went downstairs and wanted to paint. We painted a little dollhouse. We painted the roof black and the front yellow and black. After painting we started getting ready for bed. We brushed our teeth, we combed our hair, and lastly we read a fiction book. Then in our bed we read a non fiction book too. We fell asleep and had good dreams of unicorns. This day was a great adventure, for me and Mickey. 

 Mickey playing President

 Mickey practicing drums 

 Mickey eating sushi

 Mickey making garlic bread

 Mickey painting a dollhouse

 Mickey and I going to sleep

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Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
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