Sunday, November 18, 2012

When Mickey Entered The House of Lucy


It all started on Saturday when Mickey woke up early.  I happened because Andrew yelled MOM SUNS UP!  Mickey was very tired.  We went trick or treating and my Mom reminded me to take a picture with Mickey.  I did as she told and then we went around the block to over 30 houses!  I got exactly 40 pieces of candy!  Me and Mickey got very cold because it was a chilly day for Halloween.  For lunch I had a sandwich and Mickey had a cheese , cheese and more cheese sandwich. I could not believe how much cheese was on that thing!

Then I went over to Tessie's house for the sleepover.  It was very fun.  First we watched Men in Black 3 and then we played tennis on Wii sports.  We sat up all night thinking about the movie.  Because it was gross and not very scary and disgusting.  I have only so many ways to put it because of how gross it is.  He invited Minnie but she said no.  Because she didn't want to go to a place she has never been to before.  We woke up early and we have pumpkin and chocolate chip pancakes.  Mickey asked if there was any cheese pancakes.  Shanon said no and that she was sorry.

When I was about to go to dance rehearsal Mickey met Minnie and his brothers.  They looked exactly alike.  Minnie couldn't tell which one was which.  But she knew the one that was 3MPs had a crush on her.  Mickey asked if he could go to dancing.  I said no.  I wondered why he would say that, but I found out.  But I'm not going to tell you.  Because a wise Mickey once told me, mind your own cheese.
But don't mind the stinky kind.

For my birthday Mickey had ten pieces of cake with extra cheese.  He tried to blow out the candles with me, but I was too quick.  He tried to open presents with me, but I was too quick.  He tried to share seats with me, but I took up too much room and he had an accident.  He said hi to Mimi and Pa and Grandma and Grandpa.  We had to have a few talks with him about manners.    I got for my presents, a password journal,  an American Girl doll table and chairs and 3 GAP gift cards.  When my celebration was over Mickey was wondering if there was any leftovers that he could "clean up".  And I thought it meant eat and apparently it did because I said yes.  It was almost time for bed but Mickey said "10 more minutes".  We watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He said that the Mickey on it was especially handsome and that he should end up getting Minnie.  Then we had to go to bed.  We wasted all of our time watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  And thats our blog.

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Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
Mickey up a tree!