Monday, January 4, 2016

Winter Break with Mickey!

On Christmas Eve morning, I woke up to my cousin Claire shaking me. We were lucky enough to get a sleepover the night before. Later that day Claire, my other cousin Tommy, Patrick and I went into town. The first thing we did in town was go to Starbucks. I got a vanilla bean frap with java chips blended in and whipped cream on top. It tasted amazing!!!!! The next place we went was a dog store in town called, "Wolf Gang." I had to get a gift for my dog Mabel. I couldn't decide what to get her because all the stuff was so cute.  I ended up getting her peanut butter honey dog treats and a pizza dog treat. I hope she likes it! Lastly, Tommy and I went into Barons to get candy. Tommy was just getting candy for himself, but I was getting candy for my brothers for Christmas, Claire and myself. Plus, I had to spot Tommy because he ended up having no money. Once we got back from town, Tommy and Claire had to leave. I was sad but not to sad because I was going to see them again that night. After they left, I had to start getting ready for church. I was going to be singing with my friends Erin, Nora, Catherine and Ruby in the choir. I was wearing red velvet pants and a plain white shirt. I would be wearing a dress but I don't really like to wear dresses.  After mass, my cousins, Uncle Tom and Aunt Maura came over to celebrate Christmas Eve.  We ate, hung out and watched youtube practically the whole time.  After they left, I wrapped all my gifts and exchanged with my brothers.  My brothers got me a mini Starbucks cup, gift card and Hershey Kisses.  We read a Christmas story after opening gifts and in tradition, I slept in my brothers' room that night.  I was so excited for the next morning!

Finally, it was Christmas morning.  As usual, I had to wake up my brothers because they don't like waking up early.  Once we were all awake, we waited on the steps for our annual Christmas morning picture.  Santa was good to me.  I was spoiled with presents like a Westfield Soccer jacket, Uggs, and a winter jacket.  My favorite gift of all was a trip to Canada for President's Day Weekend to ski with my family.  In the afternoon, my nana, Pappa Joe, and their dog, Annie came for dinner and to sleep over.  They gave me an I-tunes gift card, a Starbuck cup ornament and a gift card to buy gifts that I wanted to get.  After dinner, we played a really fun game called Head's Up.  My brother, Aidan, turned the language to Spanish when it was his turn.  We didn't know he was tricking us until his 3rd round.  We all laughed so hard.  We finished the night by watching the movie, Pay It Forward.  I didn't like it because it was scary.  Overall, Christmas day was a great day with my family!  Annie and Mabel think so too.

At the end of Christmas break, I was playing with my friend, Grace, who I only get to see a few times a year.  We made an obstacle course in her basement and it was so much, at first.  While I was going through the course, I stepped on a basket and fell backwards.  I tried to break my fall with my hand and ended up hurting my wrist pretty bad.  Later that night, after icing it all afternoon and evening, my parents decided to take me to the urgent care near our house.  It turns out, I have a buckle fracture in my right wrist.  Now, I have to get a cast and my basketball season is over.  The only thing I am looking forward to is what color I will choose for my cast and getting it signed.  Overall, I had a great winter break and hope Mickey enjoyed sharing the holidays with me!

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Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
Mickey up a tree!