Monday, March 14, 2016

Mickey Mouse's Weekend with the Canavan Family

We were very happy to bring Mickey home for the weekend. The whole family made sure we took good care of Mickey and always kept him safe.

We started Friday night by playing some video games while Mickey watched and cheered us on.

On Saturday we woke up early and went to get breakfast at the diner. Mickey didn't have much of an appetite but was happy to be there. After breakfast we went to get Nolan's hair cut at the barber. We let Mickey sit in the barber chair even though he didn't need a haircut. Then we went to Tamaques Park to work on fielding for the upcoming baseball season.

On Sunday we took Mickey to church with us. Mickey was very good and didn't make any noise. After, we went home and had some light-saber battles (just toys so no one gets hurt). The weekend went by quickly.

We're sad to see Mickey go, but we know he's going to another adventure. He's a lot of fun to have around and can visit with us anytime.

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Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
Mickey up a tree!