Mickey and I had such a fun time! We went swimming in my grandma and grandpa's pool. Well just me, Mickey was too scared to go in the pool. I finally, got Mickey to go in. He wanted to go in because he saw my cute little cousin, Arden in the pool.
After, Mickey and I went to the beach and he loved the smooth sand too! My friends Tessa, Ruby, Ali, and Abby were there too.
That night Mickey and I went to bed in a room were I always sleep in when I go to my grandma's house.
The next morning we had cinnamon toast crunch cereal. Then, Mickey, my aunt, and I played monopoly (my aunt won) .
Our entire family went including Mickey. He went on the seesaw and the trampoline too! Mickey ate a scrumptious cheeseburger and some pasta on the side. For dessert he had a ice cold chip which and some apple pie. I had a great time with Mickey and I hope Mitra does too!!!