Monday, June 7, 2010

Mickey's Big Weekend!

On Saturday, I woke up really early. My mom was the only one up.(Besides me.) We decided to go on a bike ride. While we were riding we saw a garage sale.My mom said to stop and we bought a lot of things, like a ball rack.When we got home, my mom thought there were going to be thunderstorms that day.So we didn't do anything. But, it started to get sunny and really hot outside. My brother and I went outside to have a water gun fight. I asked Mickey if he wanted to come too. He replied with a groan. After our water gun fight, I had to go to my brother's baseball game. I went only to the end of the game. I also saw Jeremy and my friend, Meghan. On Sunday, I got up and watched some T.V. I forgot that I was going to two pools today. My mom told me I could get in my swim suit when ever I wanted to. In the morning, I went to Plainfield. In the afternoon, I went to Memorial. I saw my cousins at Plainfield, and my friends, Oliva and Samantha at Memorial. Later on, I had a Softball game. It was my last game. After the game, I went to Mary's house. She was having a softball party for our team. I saw Leah and my other friend Ierland. It was an awesome weekend! I hope Mary has as much fun with Mickey as I did!

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Mickey at the park

Mickey at the park
Mickey up a tree!